How to Always Online Clash of Clans with XModGames

nasdnkl | 1:02 PM | 0 komentar

Cara Selalu Online Clash of Clans dengan XModGames

Play Clash of Clans are not necessarily familiar with the attack and attack. You can attack anyone who is online in Clash of Clans. However, you can not attack the opponent if the player is online and vice versa. You will not be attacked if you're Online.

Previously, JalanTikus never share Clash of Clans How to Create Online While You Do not Always Play. Not much different from the way, this way can make you always online even if you're not playing, but you have to make sure the screen Android smartphone you always flame.

Here is How to Always Online Clash of Clans with XModGames:

     Android Pasitkan you already rooted. If not, you can read: How to Root of All Kinds Android with Towelroot

     XModGames download and install as usual in your Android

     Open XmodGames her, then Install Mod. How, by selecting Clash of Clans, and select the Install button Mod colored blue

After Mod installed, click Launch to run the Clash of Clans with Mod.
Click the X button that appears on the right and select Keep Active and change to the On position 

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