How to Check the Quality of HP Asus Zenfone Without Any Applications

nasdnkl | 1:26 PM | 2 komentar

Cara Cek Kualitas HP ASUS Zenfone Tanpa Aplikasi Apa Pun 
Do you already have a cell phone Android on Asus Zenfone series? Or is there a plan want to buy? When purchasing a new HP, the thing you should do is to check the quality dah overall performance. Not only the second, the new HP also may experience a failure of production. Well, Jaka had an easy way check the performance of HP Asus Zenfone without any application.In his Zenfone series, ASUS has actually been providing SMMI Test, which is a specialized application that contains a series of tests to examine the performance of HP. However, how to activate it is also special and probably many people who do not know. Here, Jaka jelasin how.

Open the default calculator application ASUS.calculator

Type ".12345+", then click "=".calculator2

Now SMMI Test already open, click the icon at the upper right, lau select "Start AutoRun" to start the test overall. You just follow the instructions given.autorunOr if you want to try to test one by one can. Jaka will explain each part.

Touch_Test to test the ability of your touchscreen. Try to create a random drawing to determine the level of sensitivity and response you Zenfone screen. If it is good, you can touch the back button, then click the "Pass".touchTouch2

BT_Test will test the bluetooth automatically.bluetooth

WiFiBus_Test will test the WiFi automatically.wifi

Battery_Test will automatically test battery.battery

GSensor_Test to test the accelerometer and gyroscope sensor capabilities in HP Zenfone. You can distort your phone up to a point X, Y, and Z in the corner on.GSensor

ModemBus_Test to test the modem capabilities that are embedded in your phone.modem

Keypad_Test to test the buttons on the HP Zenfone you. Press the volume up and down to test it.volume

MultiTouch_Test to test HP Zenfone screen response to receiving a lot of touches. To test this, you Zenfone HP touch screen with five fingers.multitouch

Vibrator_Test to test vibrations in Zenfone. If your phone vibrates, then there's no problem. Click the "Pass".Vibrators

Receiver_Test to test the ear speaker. If it sounds obvious, meaning there's no problem. Click the "Pass".receiver

Speaker_Test to test the rear speakers. If it sounds obvious, click the "Pass".speaker

BoardMic_Test to test the microphone HP Zenfone. Try saying a few words to be recorded. If your voice sounds clear, meaning there's no problem. Click the "Pass".mic

MainCamCapture_Test to test the ability of your main camera. Try clicking the "Capture" to take pictures.maincam

VGACamCapture_Test to test the front camera. Just as before, click the "Capture" to take photos.vgacam

CameraFlash_Test to test the camera flash on the back. If it lights up, click the "Pass".flash

LightSensor_Test to determine the ability of a light sensor. Shine the HP screen Zenfone you with a flashlight to test it.light-sensor

ECompass_Test to determine the ability of the compass sensor in HP Zenfone you.eCompass

Display_Test to determine whether there is a leak in the screen (dead pixels). When there are small specks visible, it means there is damage to the screen HP Zenfone you.display

Proximity_Test to test the proximity sensor located in the front of your phone. To test it, cover the front of the screen by hand, then release, then cover again. If all three tick off, the proximity sensor you are fine.proximity

SDCard_Test to test your memory card installation.sdcard

SIMcard_Test to test the installation of your SIM card.simcardIf for some of the following tests, you need to plug the headset / earphone in HP Asus Zenfone you.

Headset_Test to test the speakers in the earphone or headset you. If his voice was clear, meaning there's no problem. Click the "Pass".headset

HeadsetMic_Test to test the microphone on your headset. Just as congenital hp test the microphone, you just say a few words.headset-mic

HeadsetKey_Test for the test button on the headset, such as the volume keys. Just press the button on your headset.headset-keyThat is the way to test the performance of HP's Android Asus Zenfone Series. Display above the SMMI Test in Asus Zenfone 4 and 5. For Zenfone 2, you can use the same method, but it looks different and more cool. Like this, here.zenfone2zenfone2_2Now you already know, how the capabilities and performance of HP Asus Zenfone you? If it turns out there are things that do not work, you can take it directly to the Service Center ASUS deh. Hopefully useful, do not forget to comment ya!

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  1. I dont have this smmi test..does this telling me my asus not genuine?

  2. I dont have this smmi test..does this telling me my asus not genuine?
